
Bumping America

Bumping America 

In the excitement of blog touring, it’s easy to forget that I’m actually kinda really touring at the moment, sadly without d-mat to make it both quicker and easier on my creaky old bones. If you’re in the US, here’s where I’ll be this week: Tuesday: Teen Author Reading Night at the New York Public […]

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Blog Tour: Fiction Fascination

In which I rant about the beauty myth and how it relates to Twinmaker: “Now, I’ve got nothing against beautiful people. Some of my best friends are beautiful people. I’m not a beautiful person, but that’s okay. I can live with it–as long as someone isn’t shoving the message down my throat that if I’m […]

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Thanks, Amber of Mile Long Bookshelf for first featuring this story. Did you hear the one about the haunted d-mat booth? It was in China, I think. There was this girl, and she was gay. Her parents didn’t like it, so she was planning to run away with her girlfriend and start a new life […]

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Blog Tour: Novels on the Run

Michelle Auricht at Novels on the Run is the latest to kindly feature Twinmaker: Jump on her blog, with an interview, a review, and a mini-glossary. “It might be a bit creepy if I had a book girlfriend from a YA novel because she’d be less than half my age! But when I was a […]

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