
Why twins? No really, why?

Why twins? No really, why? 

I’m often asked this. Twinmaker, Troubletwisters and the Books of the Cataclysm all feature twins (identical, fraternal and mirror, respectively). Then there are the books that feature duplication of people, one way or another in Geodesica, Orphans, The Resurrected Man, The Fixers, Astropolis . . . it never ends. So why? This is a question […]

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Crashland Cover Revealed!

Crashland Cover Revealed! 

Here it is! Kudos to Balzer + Bray for such a wonderful successor to Twinmaker, and thanks to the photographer, the model, everyone who had anything to do with it. I am excited! Blurb is next. Watch this space. Happy Valentine’s Day!  

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Crashland Cover Countdown: 1

Crashland Cover Countdown: 1 

The slow-mo Crashland cover countdown is almost complete. Tune in tomorrow for the entire thing! (It is awesome.)

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Crashland Cover Countdown: 2

Crashland Cover Countdown: 2 

The full Crashland reveal is just two days away. Here (hair?) is another glimpse to tide you over.

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