
“Happy Families”

“Happy Families” 

Too much love can kill, I guess. I had a friend at school whose aunt started a company to save the bees. And the frogs and the Siberian tigers and the pandas and all the other animals that were dying out around the world. All she needed was one living specimen and she could guarantee […]

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When money has no value any more, why would anyone try to counterfeit it? The answer is, there’s lots of different definitions of value . . . Did you hear about the time money almost destroyed the world? No, not capitalism. My granddad used to go on about the Big Crash for hours if you’d […]

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Doctor D-mat

So, I wrote a PhD, and guess what? It was on matter transmitters. I found out the day I left for England that it had been accepted. Here’s the intro, which goes some way towards outlining why I think d-mat is so cool. Warning: it’s pretty dry! I have added a lolcat chaser, but even […]

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This is an urban myth from the very early days of d-mat. You can listen to me reading this here or here, or download the recording here. My grandfather has this story from when he was young–ten, fifteen, I don’t know. Back then you had to carry a card to use d-mat. The booth recognized […]

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