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I’ve been in love with d-mat from an early age, although of course it wasn’t called that back then. I knew it under a bunch of other names, including transmat, T-mat, teleporter, and of course the famous transporter of Star Trek. This seemingly magical device popped up in a lot of places and had a […]

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Would you do it?

Would you do it? 

Here’s a quick quiz. Imagine a machine that can move you from place to place. Not a plane or a car, but a booth you step into. You tell the machine where you want to go. It takes you there. To you, it seems like no time at all has passed. To everyone else, maybe […]

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Things I Didn’t Make Up

Things I Didn’t Make Up 

You’d think a novel about teleporters (a.k.a. “d-mat”) would be totally sci-fi, but it’s not, I swear. Just about everything in this book either exists right now or is right around the corner. For instance: 1. Put “teleportation” into Google and you’ll find hundreds of links to real science experiments showing that in principle it’s […]

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Gondolas in Manhattan

Gondolas in Manhattan 

Where have I hear that before? Hmmm. Here’s the headline from Gizmodo: Hey Future New Yorkers, Have Fun Paddling to Work “If you’re planning to live in the Big Apple for the foreseeable future, it’s time to invest in flood insurance and a gondola.” Etc. And here’s Twinmaker chapter 66: “Ahead was the famous skyline […]

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